I got into making NFTs because my son was into crypto currency. For over a year he was telling me to make my art into NFTs and I just could not wrap my head around it. I had to learn, investigate and explore this new world of art. I read, watched YouTube videos about everything I could, not only about NFTs but about the blockchain and crypto currency. Once I had an understanding, I watched videos on how to make them. I wanted my NFTs high quality so that if someday they were on a screen 4’ X 6 in a NFT exhibit they would be clear. I learn most of this from a Korean photographer named Noealz. I followed him on all the NFT platforms, Instagram and Twitter. He is very kind and helpful. Even though he has over 58K followers, I would DM him and he would answer my questions. I will also be there to help others as he helped me.
Once I dropped my first collection, “European Landscapes” I was still not understanding the purpose. I prayed and literally said to God, “What is this whole NFT thing? I don’t know what I am doing.” He woke me up early in the morning and said, “It is a worldwide ministry.” I had a whole new outlook! Yes, I wanted all my art to reflect God because He is the great creator, but this was going to be different. I realized that I had so many new connections across the globe through NFTs. I learned from Noealz in Korea, I Zoomed with a Christian couple in Singapore, I got a phone call from a man in Northwest Canada. I now do live Twitter spaces and I am even a moderator for a NFT Collaborators group on Facebook with over 5000 members from all over the world. God is opening doors for me to minister and pray with people that otherwise would have never happened if it was not for NFTs.
What are NFTs?? NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Fungible is a weird word, right? So, what does it mean? Something that is fungible can be replaced. Such as if you have a $10 bill and I have two $5 bills they are equal in value meaning fungible. Something that is non-fungible cannot be exchanged equally. Most NFTs are digital artwork. This means the artwork is created and can only be seen digitally, on a computer or electronic device/ frame or VR goggles. Now you say, what is the difference between owning an NFT and a JPG? It is the difference between owning the actual Mona Lisa and a print of the Mona Lisa.
When you decide to create an NFT, you must first “mint” the digital version of your artwork. Minting an artwork is just like when a coin is minted. It is minted on the blockchain which is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems across the world. The artist will know who owns it forever and can collect royalties forever.
If you would like help with NFTs feel free to contact me.
Watch Crypto Dad for all things about crypto currency.
Watch Noealz for how to make NFTs